We treat a wide array of ailments at The Body Remedy. From your head to your toes we've got your covered. See below for a list of common conditions we treat as well as the benefits of Red Light and Compression Therapy.

Upper Body
Neck Pain
Stiff Neck
Rotator Cuff Dysfunction
Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Impingement
Frozen Shoulder
Upper Trap Muscle Tension and Knots
Golfer's Elbow
Tennis Elbow
Forearm Muscle Tension and Knots
Wrist Pain and/or Dysfunction
Mid and/or Upper Back Pain
Mid and/or Upper Back Stiffness
Postural Dysfunction

Lower Body
Low Back Pain
Low Back Stiffness
Hip Pain
Hip Stiffness
IT Band Syndrome
SI Joint Dysfunction
Quad Tension or Strain
Hamstring Tension or Strain
Jumper's Knee
Shin Splints
Calf Tension
Ankle Pain or Sprain
Achilles Tendinitis/Tendinosis
Plantar Fasciitis

Pelvic Floor Conditions
Pelvic Pain
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Urinary/Fecal Incontinence
Stress Incontinence
Urinary Urgency or Frequency
Pain with Intercourse
Diastasis Recti
Tailbone Pain
Recurring UTIs
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction
SI Joint Pain
Birth Prep
Postpartum Care
Leakage with lifting, jumping, and squatting

Benefits of Red Light Therapy
Accelerate Muscle and Connective Tissue Repair
Reduced Training Fatigue
Decreases Inflammation
Accelerated Wound and Bone Healing
Faster Return To Play After Injury
Eases Joint Stiffness and Soreness
Eases Symptoms Associated With Autoimmune Diseases and Arthritis
Increases Blood Flow
Stimulates Collagen Production
Stimulates Hair Growth
Reduces Appearance of Fine Lines and Scars
Reduces Acne Breakouts
Dilates blood vessels for increased blood flow

Benefits of Compression Therapy
Reduction in swelling
Increase in total hemoglobin and oxygenated hemoglobin in muscle
Improved range of motion
Decrease in pain pressure threshold
Decreased muscle fatigue
Promotes relaxation