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Top Compression Therapy Services In Andover, MA


What Is Compression Therapy?

Compression therapy is a way to assist your body, specifically the venous and lymphatic systems. Through compression therapy your body is able to increase blow blow, decreasing any blood build up. This treatment works so well because the compression pushes the deoxygenated blood and other excess metabolic waste out of the body parts that are being treated. This then allows those areas of the body to be refilled with re-oxygenated blood after it has been filtered by the bodies central organ system.


Here at The Body Remedy in Andover, MA we offer our clients compression therapy through the Normatec system. The Normatec is a great piece of recovery equipment that works by compressing different portions of the body, specifically an extremity (arm or leg) in a sequential manner from the most distal part to proximal. This treatment helps your body create an optimal space for recovery, allowing you to get back to what you love faster.

Top Benefits Of Normatec Compression Therapy In Andover, MA

Compression therapy through the usage of Normatec equipment offer great results as they greatly improve vascular and cellular functioning in the body. When using this form of therapy before or after training you will see amazing benefits such as: 


  • Quicker Recovery Time

  • Reduction in swelling

  • Increase in total hemoglobin and oxygenated hemoglobin in muscle

  • Improved range of motion

  • Decrease in pain pressure threshold

  • Decreased muscle fatigue

  • Promotes relaxation


FAQ's About Our Compression Therapy

Q: What Does The Normatec Feel Like?

A: The initial feeling is similar to a blood pressure cuff you would receive at a doctors visit. However, the pressure then slowly releases and then works up the area of the body (arms or legs). It should feel like a massage over your arms and legs, leaving you feeling weightless.


Q: What Areas Of The Body Can I Use This On?

A: Your arms or legs!


Q: Who Uses Normatec?

A: Normatec is used by a variety of people including but limited to those who are on there feet all day, athletes, runners, cyclists, pregnant women, and anyone who is feeling sore or tight!


Have any more questions about our compression therapy services? Call The Body Remedy today at 978-231-9032.

In Search Of Compression Therapy In Andover, MA? Contact The Body Remedy Today!

Here at The Body Remedy, we help you ease aches, pains, and tight muscles, improve your range of motion, and heal from sprains and strains. We also provide the latest technologies in body recovery to allow you to refuel and restore your body after tough workouts or long days of work. If your goal is to not only keep you moving for years to come but to get moving faster, jumping higher, and feeling stronger than ever contact us today by calling 978-231-9032 or emailing

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